Exciting News happening with 22apps client acounts! (Check your email for info!)

Exciting News happening with 22apps client acounts! (Check your email for info!)

The #1 Solution to Automate Sales & Increase Lifetime Value through Personal Online-Connections.

Everything you need, All in ONE Platform.

Includes Done-For-You Support.

All Accounts Include 100% FREE Migration of All Funnels, Sites, and Emails into 22apps.

(Done By Our Team.)

This is WHY Entrepreneurs should be changing the world.

(Not Building Funnels.) ...

Entrepreneurs and kids success

Entrepreneurs are BORN to Succeed

Before you even started your business, you KNEW you were destined for something DIFFERENT.

You may not have known exactly what you wanted to do, but you could be certain you weren't meant for a life stuck in an office, working day and night to build someone else's dream.

You were destined for something BIGGER...

Something more FULFILLING...

Something that makes you jump out of bed every morning with a smile on your face and a dream in your heart.

So you worked hard, fought through challenges, failed, learned a lot, failed some more, but never gave up on the vision you saw for your life.

And finally, after an unfathomable amount of perseverance and dedication, you saw a light at the end of the tunnel. Your business began to become what it is today.

You see, as an entrepreneur, you were born different - you were born with a sense of drive and tenacity that not many people have. And that's why you SUCCEED!

And although you were BORN to succeed, that doesn't mean you won't face your fair share of setbacks and roadblocks...

Jay Fiset

Custom Funnel, Emails, Texts, and Ads

to scale new biz to 1.2M/yr.

Jay Fiset


Charles Byrd

Automated High-Ticket Onboarding Sequence;

Saving 50h+ per month!

Charles Byrd


Ridgely Goldsborough

$0.38 Cost Per Click

(Through FB Ads)

Ridgely Goldsborough


The 2 'TRUTHS' 99% of Marketers Won't Admit :(

#1) "Online" is HARD... Isn't it?

Scaling an online business is extremely challenging.

I mean, you have to manage just about A ZILLION different platforms and softwares each and everyday to ensure your entire marketing funnel is working the way it should...

You've got to keep track of your paid advertising, landing pages, email campaigns, customer service, and social media... (just to name a few).

And to be completely honest, YOU should not be handling those things at all.

YOU should be spending your time making high-level decisions for your business and coming up with new and innovative ways to help your clients.

However, if most of your time is spent tweaking and managing all your marketing efforts, that leaves you with no time to make BIG MOVES that will actually make a difference in scaling your business.

Of course, you could hire someone to manage your marketing for you, but unless you're willing to pay BIG BUCKS for an experienced digital marketer, your money will most likely be wasted... :(

Confused girl
Customers dropping off

#2) WHY Sales & Customers Keep "Dropping Off"

How many times have you heard a marketing guru claim that if you just implement THIS ONE specific marketing strategy, you'll make millions with your online business?

The truth is, when it comes to online marketing, there is no singular strategy that will lead you to success...

Creating a winning Facebook ad won't help you if your landing page isn't optimized for conversions.

Sending email campaigns to your audience won't translate into sales if you don't have a strategy behind it.

Launching a membership program won't generate recurring revenue if you don't continuously provide valuable content to your clients...

Way too many online marketers and business owners rely on marketing 'tools' to bring them success in their business. When in reality, online marketing only works when used as an integrated approach in order to build a personal relationship with your audience.

The REAL Problem 😱

Remember, if you're an entrepreneur, you were BORN to succeed.

And if you're not successfully scaling your business, the problem ISN'T YOU...

The REAL problem is that online marketing tools aren't built with an integrated strategy in mind. They don't put people FIRST, and that's the biggest mistake you can make in your business.

The most successful businesses got to where they are today by focusing on relationships...not sales.

They put people at the forefront of their mission and implement an integrated marketing strategy to successfully build a personal relationship with their audience.

And THAT'S the one true secret to success..!

Artificial business
Happy with 22apps

22apps Combines Authenticity with Automation ❤️

What you need is an all-in-one marketing platform that provides you with all the essential marketing tools you need to successfully scale your business while also cultivating a personal relationship with your audience...and you need to save TIME and MONEY while doing so.

That's where 22apps comes in...

Not only will our platform house all your marketing tools in ONE place, you'll also get a dedicated, Done-For-You Rep that will create, build, and manage all your marketing assets FOR YOU.

So instead of handling it all yourself (which can cost you HUNDREDS of hours of time), or, relying on an automated online tool (which causes you to lose the personal aspect of your business), you'll get to sit back, relax, and let us take care of your marketing!

Meaning your marketing strategies will be AUTOMATED without sacrificing the AUTHENTICITY you have with your audience.

Over the Past 5+ Years, We’ve Built Countless High-Converting Marketing Funnels to scale 6, 7, and even 8 Figure Businesses...

And we can do the same for YOU!

22apps team

Meet Your Dedicated
Done-For-You Account-Rep

After you sign up for you 22apps account, you'll be given your own dedicated Done-For-You Rep.

They'll be your go-to person whenever you need a landing page built, an email campaign set up, a marketing funnel created...you name it, they can DO IT!

Our team of Done-For-You Reps are experienced marketing professionals who specialize in using integrated marketing strategies to scale online businesses, so you can be certain you're in good hands.

You'll no longer be stuck in the nitty-gritty details of your business - you'll be able to see the big picture. Because of this, you'll save your time and energy for making high-level decisions that allow you to make BIG MOVES with your business.

With 22apps, Your Life Will Change in TWO MAJOR WAYS:

Number 1: You'll SAVE time, money, and headaches.
  • You'll no longer need to learn the ins and outs of yet another confusing software.

  • You won't need to hire a full-time marketing manager that would cost you roughly $60k-$80k per year.

  • Most importantly, you won't encounter any headaches when it comes to launching new campaigns and marketing your business.

Number 2: Your marketing strategy will be SIMPLE.
  • You won't have to log into a bunch of different softwares in order to complete one small task on your to-do list.

  • You won't have to deal with buggy software that's a nightmare to use.

  • Everything you need will be housed all in one place and managed by your dedicated Done-for-You Rep.

Our Clients are RAVING...

Caitey Gilchrist

Hundreds Of Hours Saved!

“If you want to save precious time and get real clarity on how to direct your marketing and sales efforts, you need to work with Matthew McGregor.

Since consulting with Matthew, I can’t even count how many hours I’ve saved in my marketing simply by have him as a resource. He’s provided real, doable strategies on everything from webinars and online payment systems to social media and sales methods. Matthew GETS the big picture and knows all the systems that need to be in place to get you there.

His tailored advice has also helped me reassess my strategy for putting on workshops and events. (And – no surprise – I landed a deal for two workshops after using his tips to tweak my proposal!)

Matthew is truly masterful when it comes to marketing, tech and sales. If you’re looking to scale, reach new audiences or get your business to the next level, you definitely want Matthew in your corner!”

-- Caitey Gilchrist - Founder & CEO of Caitey Gilchrist Creative


Doug Sandler Video Testimonial

Founder & CEO of Turnkey Podcasts

PLAY NOW - “Unbelievable OVER-DELIVERY on Funnels, Email Sequences, Sales Pages, and MORE.”

The 22APPS That Can

Skyrocket Your Success

(YES! This is why we call it 22apps ;)

Design & Launch Content in Minutes!

Explore Our Web-Builder Suite

Our complete suite of web-builders will help you upload, update, and manage your content in minutes. Drag-and-drop elements make it easy to customize your website, landing pages, course + memberships pages, and more with your branding and style!

Our web-builder suite includes...

  • Funnel Builder: Build and customize landing pages and marketing funnels that convert. 

  • Website Builder: Build a home base for your business that communicates your brand’s personality.

  • Booking & Appointments: Book client calls and organize your calendar so you’re never overwhelmed or overbooked.

  • Courses & Memberships: Nurture, mentor, and build authority with your audience.

  • Blog: Drive traffic to your site with SEO-optimized blog posts.

Uplevel Your Authority with a Custom Mobile App

Explore Our App-Builder Suite

Discover the magic of mobile-app marketing with our app-builder suite. Not only will you be able to build your very own mobile app for your business, you’ll also be able to publish updates to your app instantly and send push notifications to your audience with the click of a button. This is a game-changer - you’ll be able to interact with your audience at an intimate level and reach them wherever they go!

Our app-builder suite includes:

  • The App-Builder: Reach new heights in your business by implementing mobile app marketing. 

  • Instant Publishing: Update weekly or daily content in your app to keep your users coming back day after day.

  • Push Notifications: Close 2x more conversions when launching new programs, products, or services with push notifications.

Connect To Your Audience On Every Level

Explore Our Outreach Suite

Ensure you’re connecting with your audience during every part of their customer journey with our collection of outreach features. Show up wherever your audience is by building campaigns for every touchpoint - SMS, email, social media, and more!

Our outreach suite includes:

  • SMS Marketing: Scale Your Business QUICKLY by adding up to 30% more revenue through SMS Marketing.

  • Email Marketing: Easily turn your email list into paying clients by building and launching your automated email campaigns.

  • Reputation Management: Build a collection of raving reviews to increase social proof for your business.

  • Voicemail Drops: Connect with your audience on a personal level by sending them pre-record messages straight to their voicemail box.

  • Social Media Scheduler: Increase your productivity by 50% by quickly scheduling all your social media content all from one place.

Build & Nurture Relationships through Automated

(& Manual!) Connections

Explore Our CRM Suite

Managing your customer relationships has never been easier than with our complete CRM suite! Ensure your clients and customers are well supported within your business to provide them with the best experience possible!

Our CRM suite includes:

  • Chat and Email Support: Blow your clients away with the most exceptional support through every step in their customer journey.

  • Chat Widget: Increase client retention and satisfaction by providing quick responses to their questions.

  • Automation Builder: Increase your team's productivity by creating workflows that put redundant routines on autopilot. 

  • Referral Software: Turn your current clients into such raving fans of your business, they can’t help but refer all their friends.

  • Order forms & Invoices: Close deals quickly by offering hassle-free checkouts.

Scale FAST with Accurate Data

Explore Our Integrations & Analytics Suite

Data doesn’t lie, that’s why we offer a complete assortment of all the essential data and analytics tracking you’ll need. Analyze data and add integrations that help you scale quickly and efficiently.

Our integrations & analytics suite includes:

  • Integrations + API + Webhooks: Seamlessly integrate with your favorite apps.

  • CRM + Pipeline Management: Visually identify opportunities for every step in your funnel to effectively close more deals.

  • Ad Tracking, Call Tracking, and Analytics: Scale your ad spend and increase your ROI by tracking data and optimizing opportunities for the most conversions.

  • Video Tracker: Effectively target leads by tracking how long they watched your webinar or video sales letter.

Want More than 22apps?

How about 32apps? (10 BONUS 'APPS' INCLUDED FREE)

Explore Our BONUS APPS!

You thought we were done? If 22 apps weren’t enough, we’re also giving you an additional 10 BONUS APPS. We’re committed to providing you with every single tool you need to market your business better.

Our bonus apps include…

  • Gamification: 10x-30x your course completion rate by simply adding gamification to your pre-existing content.

  • Contracts: Create personalized, branded contracts easily and quickly (no third-party necessary).

  • Wordpress Hosting: Increase website speed by at least 10% on both desktop and mobile by using 22apps Wordpress hosting.

  • Shopify: Seamlessly integrate your store into the rest of your marketing funnel to maximize opportunities and re-engage customers.

  • Templates: Save time without sacrificing quality by using pre-built templates designed to maximize conversions specifically for your niche.

  • Clickfunnels Migration: Move all your Clickfunnel campaigns (yes every single one) to 22apps quickly and hassle-free.

  • Manual Calling made Automated: Complete calls more efficiently and categorize leads based on call outcome.

  • Surveys & Quizzes: Systemize and automate your programs, collect essential information from your clients, and gain more insight into who your target audience really is.

  • Video Sender: Add a personal connection to your marketing by sending custom videos to your potential and current clients.

  • Account-Wide Personalization: Build a custom experience for each of your users using custom merge fields.

CLAIM Your EPIC SAVINGS on Software & Tech-Support

You Already Pay For...!



Other Tools

CRM & Pipeline Management

$99 Monthly

✅ Included!

Unlimited Sales Funnels

$297 Monthly

✅ Included!

Website Builder

$49 Monthly

✅ Included!

Quizzes and Surveys

$39 Monthly

✅ Included!

Email Marketing

$99 Monthly

✅ Included!

2-Way SMS Marketing

$99 Monthly

✅ Included!

Booking Appointments

$29 Monthly

✅ Included!

Workflow Automations

$169 Monthly

✅ Included!

Courses & Products

$159 Monthly

✅ Included!

Call Tracking

$95 Monthly

✅ Included!

Reputation Management

$299 Monthly

✅ Included!

Agreements & Contracts

$299 Monthly

✅ Included!

Ad Attribution & Analytics

$497 Monthly

✅ Included!

Linking Everything Together

$49 Monthly

✅ Included!

Custom IOS & Android App

$499 Monthly

✅ Included!

FREE Done For You Management

$4997 Monthly

✅ Included!

All Features

Final Price

$7,524 Monthly Savings

CLAIM Your EPIC SAVINGS on Software & Tech-Support You Already Pay For...!


CRM & Pipeline Management

$99 Monthly

✅ Included!

Unlimited Sales Funnels

$297 Monthly

✅ Included!



$49 Monthly

✅ Included!

Quizzes and Surveys

$39 Monthly

✅ Included!

Email Marketing

$99 Monthly

✅ Included!

2-Way SMS Marketing

$99 Monthly

✅ Included!

Booking Appointments

$29 Monthly

✅ Included!

Workflow Automations

$169 Monthly

✅ Included!

Courses & Products

$159 Monthly

✅ Included!



$95 Monthly

✅ Included!

Reputation Management

$159 Monthly

✅ Included!

Agreements & Contracts

$49 Monthly

✅ Included!

Ad Attribution & Analytics

$497 Monthly

✅ Included!

Linking It Together

$49 Monthly

✅ Included!

Custom IOS & Android App

$499 Monthly

✅ Included!

Free Done-For-You Support

$4997 Monthly

✅ Included!

$7,524/mo. SAVINGS!

All Accounts Include DONE-FOR-YOU Funnel, Website, Email, and Automation Building

Here's how it works:

Get Your Personal
Done-For-You Rep


Get Your Personal Done-For-You Rep

  • All of our Reps are located in North America

  • Complete with text, email, and call support

  • Dedicated to making sure your business succeeds

Submit Your Project


Submit Your Project

  • Your Rep will work on 1 project at a time

  • You'll get UNLIMITED projects per month


Experience Rapid Turnaround Times

Experience Rapid Turnaround Times

  • Text, email, or call your Rep at ANY TIME (yes, we even take emergency calls at 2am)

  • We have hundreds of pre-built templates & systems ready to be implemented in your business

Scale Your Business Like Never Before


Scale Your Business Like Never Before

  • Receive your completed projects & make changes as necessary

  • Get personalized help with marketing strategies

What We Can Do For You:

  • Any and all automations

  • Landing pages

  • Opt-In Pages

  • Application & post application pages

  • Email sequence setups

  • Application reminder setup

  • Website creation

  • Order forms

  • Members areas

  • Webinar setups

  • Product launch setups

  • Website updates

  • Quiz/Survey creation

  • Setting up FB tracking codes

  • Building your custom app

  • Updating your app

  • ... All this & much much more!

PLUS! - Manage Clients, Tasks, and More From Your Phone Using our Dedicated App!

  • Reply to your clients on the go

  • View your upcoming appointments

  • Spot potential conversion opportunities

  • ...PLUS MORE... All through your phone!

22apps phone app

This Isn't About "Doing Business" Anymore.

It's About PEOPLE Supporting PEOPLE.

We're different from your current funnel-building software in one, huge way...

We put people FIRST.

As our society moves closer towards replacing human tasks with technology, we know that a personal connection can never be replicated by a software or AI system.

The difference between GOOD marketing and EXCEPTIONAL marketing is a personal connection with your audience.

That's why we're committed to helping you maintain the 'human' element in your marketing and cultivate meaningful relationships with your audience.

Your Done-For-You Rep is there to ensure your marketing will never be left to a software or algorithm - it'll be done RIGHT by a real human that's an expert in the digital marketing space.

Drinks with friends
Happy girl on phone

Create Authority through

Know, Like, and Trust

Building an engaged and loyal tribe online nowadays takes A LOT more than it used to.

There's so many things fighting for your audience's attention, the only thing that separates you from your competition is building an authentic and personal connection with your audience, which is completed by the following 3-step process...

KNOW: First, you need to let your audience know who you are. In this stage, you'll bring awareness to your business and drive traffic to your offers.

LIKE: Once you start getting traffic, it's time to convince them to stick around. They'll only do this if they LIKE you and what your business has to offer them.

TRUST: After they decide that they like you and are interested in learning more, you'll need to build TRUST with them in order for them to convert.

And at each of these three stages, you're working on building that personal relationship with your audience - without it, you'll fail to move them through your funnel and ultimately cause them to not convert.

See An ROI Like Never Before...

If you look at your options when it comes to marketing your business, you really only have 4 choices:

#1: Hiring an in-house marketing manager - This will cost you roughly between $50,000-$80,000/year.

#2: Hiring a marketing agency - This may cost you a little bit less money but they are often all talk and no game when it comes to actually providing results, which can cause you a lot of unnecessary frustration.

#3: Doing it yourself - This is arguably the most EXPENSIVE option because it’ll cost you your time, and time is your most valuable asset.

#4: Sign up for 22apps - It’s the least expensive, least time consuming, and least frustrating option that’ll actually produce results.

22apps ROI Comparison
Colin Sp

Colin Sprake


Chad Durfee

Chad Durfee


Increase Lifetime Value

Through Repeat Business

Your business won't be sustainable without repeat and consistently paying customers.

And the BEST way to increase the lifetime value of your customers is by building a personal relationship with them. Once you do this, your customers will not only keep coming back to buy more stuff from you, but they'll also refer you to everyone they know just because they LOVE the EXPERIENCE they've had and continue to have with you!

This will allow you to scale up your business naturally and exponentially without the need to be 110% dependent on Grand Master Zuckerberg for your traffic, or, not knowing where your next client is coming from...

Increase Lifetime Value  Through Repeat Business
Moving from Clickfunnels to 22apps

Moving From * BLEEP Funnels * to 22apps

Now, you may be thinking, "This sounds great, but I've worked so hard to build my current marketing funnels in that other funnel building software..."

Great news - it's incredibly EASY to migrate your current funnels to 22apps and your Done-For-You Rep can do it all for you!

In fact, your rep can move your website(s), email campaigns, courses, products, membership areas, and whatever else you need to 22apps, no problem.

Don’t Just Take Your Audience Through a Funnel –

Give Them an Experience They'll Remember!

When you switch to 22apps for all your marketing needs, you'll see results just like Karen...

Karen McGregor

Karen McGregor

Speaker Success Formula


PLAY NOW - “$26,000 in Sales from ONE 1h Webinar”

Adrian Starks

Adrian Starks

Founder of Champion Up


“Matthew has been so incredibly helpful when it comes to growing my business and building a brand that truly impacts people for the better.

Originally I came to Matthew looking for help with a simple 1 page website – But it turned into so much more than that….

The systems and processes we’ve built together are beyond anything I could have came up with myself and I’m SO excited to start getting even more clients, making even more income, and ultimately changing the world by leveraging what Matthew has helped me create.”

Book a call to get started with your 7 day FREE trial of 22apps:

This will be the first time (EVER) you say:


Stop wasting your time struggling to market your business successfully and hand it over to the experts at 22apps.

You'll save time and money while getting unbelievable results, just like Paula...

Paula Hopwood

Paula Hopwood

Founder of Paula Hopwood Productions


PLAY NOW - “Better Service & Results than EVERYTHING else I've tried.”

Paige Stevensen

Paige Stevensen

Founder of The Intuitive Advisor


14 Seat Workshop Sold Out In 4 Days!

“When I joined Matthew’s platinum-level program, I was pleasantly surprised with how he really went above and beyond the call of duty when it came to working together.

For example, I needed a landing page done for one of my live events; I sent him the information and within 1 day it was up and running. Do you know how long my web gal takes JUST TO RESPOND????? And furthermore, the results were incredible.

By helping me with the structure of my online system, as well as the copy writing, my 14 seat workshop was completely sold out in the first 4 days of launching. (I really should have offered a second date….) Thanks again Matthew, and I look forward to working with you again in the future.”

Michelle Schubenel

Michelle Schubenel


Sean Stewart

Sean Stewart


Andrew Rezmer

Andrew Rezmer


Natasha T - Spiral Dynamics

Natasha T - Spiral Dynamics


Get started with 22apps for 100% FREE.

Book at call to meet with our team and get your free trial started.

Get Started TODAY with a 7-Day Trial of 22apps

INCLUDING Done-For-You Support

Get started with your FREE trial of 22apps and put your dedicated Done-For-You Rep to WORK.

Poke around the 22apps dashboard.

Check out all 22 of our amazing features.

Get ready for your life to CHANGE.

The days of spending hours and hours implementing new software into your business, building out funnels, agonizing over the best strategy to scale your business ARE OVER...

The solution is simple. The answer is 22apps.

Your account is completely FREE for your first 7 days!

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22apps Inc. Copyright © 2024

All Rights Reserved.